Flask Extension and Wrapper
This extension helps manage:
and more…
This code is public domain.
Exception class to carry fields for an error Response. |
FSA User Configuration Error. |
This class holds all hook types used by FlaskSimpleAuth. |
Type to distinguish str path parameters. |
Type to distinguish str string parameters. |
Magic JSON parameter type. |
Session parameter type. |
Globals parameter type. |
Environ parameter type. |
CurrentUser parameter type. |
CurrentApp parameter type. |
Application Cookie parameter type. |
Request Header parameter type. |
Convenient object wrapper class. |
Flask class wrapper. |
Documentation for configuration directives. |
Flask extension for authentication, authorization and parameters. |
Shorcut function to trigger an error response. |
Jsonify something, including generators, dataclasses and pydantic stuff. |
Module Contents
- class FlaskSimpleAuth.Hooks
This class holds all hook types used by FlaskSimpleAuth.
- ErrorResponseFun
Generate an error response for message and status.
- Parameters:
description – description string of the error.
status – HTTP status code.
headers – dict of additional headers.
content_type – HTTP content type.
Must return a Response.
The function mimics flask.Response(“message”, status, headers, content_type).
- GetUserPassFun
Get password from user login, None if unknown.
- Parameters:
login – user name to retrieve password for.
Returns the string, or None if no password for user.
- GroupCheckFun
Tell whether a user belongs to some group.
- Parameters:
login – user name.
Returns whether the user belongs to some group by calling the appropriate callback.
- UserInGroupFun
Is user login in group (str or int): yes, no, unknown.
- Parameters:
login – user name to check for group membership.
group – group name or number to check for membership.
Returns whether the user belongs to the group. This is a fallback for the previous per-group method.
- ObjectPermsFun
Check object access in domain, for parameter, in mode.
- Parameters:
login – user name.
oid – object identifier, must a key.
mode – optional operation the user wants to perform on the object.
Returns whether permission is granted.
- PasswordCheckFun
Low level check login/password validity.
- Parameters:
login – user name.
password – the password as provided.
Returns whether password is valid for user.
- PasswordQualityFun
Is this password quality suitable?
- Parameters:
password – the submitted password.
Returns whether the password is acceptable.
- CastFun
Cast parameter value to some object.
- Parameters:
data – initial data, usually a string.
Returns the converted object.
- SpecialParameterFun
Generate a “special” parameter, with the parameter name.
- Parameters:
name – parameter name (usually not needed).
... – optional special parameters.
Returns an object which will be the parameter value.
- HeaderFun
Add a header to the current response.
- Parameters:
response – response to consider.
header – name of header.
Returns the header value, or None.
- BeforeRequestFun
Before request hook, with request provided.
- Parameters:
request – current request.
Returns a response (to shortcut), or None to continue.
- BeforeExecFun
After authentication and right before execution.
- Parameters:
request – current request.
login – user name of authenticated user.
auth – authentication scheme used.
- AfterRequestFun
After request hook.
- AuthenticationFun
Authentication hook.
- Parameters:
app – current application.
request – current request.
Returns the authenticated user name, or None.
- JSONConversionFun
JSON conversion hook.
- Parameters:
o – object of some type.
Returns a JSON serializable something from an object instance.
- exception FlaskSimpleAuth.ErrorResponse
Exception class to carry fields for an error Response.
Use this exception from hooks to trigger an error response.
- FlaskSimpleAuth.err(*args, **kwargs)
Shorcut function to trigger an error response.
It can be used inside an expression, eg:
_ = res or err("no data", 404)
- exception FlaskSimpleAuth.ConfigError
FSA User Configuration Error.
This error is raised on errors detected while initializing the application.
- class FlaskSimpleAuth.path
Type to distinguish str path parameters.
Use this type as hint for a route parameter to trigger a Flask route path parameter. A path may contain
- class FlaskSimpleAuth.string
Type to distinguish str string parameters.
Use this type as hint for a route parameter to trigger a Flask route string parameter. A string may not contain
- class FlaskSimpleAuth.JsonData
Magic JSON parameter type.
This triggers interpretting a parameter as JSON when used as a parameter type on a route.
- class FlaskSimpleAuth.Session
Session parameter type.
This provides the session object when used as a parameter type on a route.
- class FlaskSimpleAuth.Globals
Globals parameter type.
This provides the g (globals) object when used as a parameter type on a route.
- class FlaskSimpleAuth.Environ
Environ parameter type.
This provides the WSGI environ object when used as a parameter type on a route.
- class FlaskSimpleAuth.CurrentUser
CurrentUser parameter type.
This provides the authenticated user (str) when used as a parameter type on a route.
- class FlaskSimpleAuth.CurrentApp
CurrentApp parameter type.
This provides the current application object when used as a parameter type on a route.
- class FlaskSimpleAuth.Cookie
Application Cookie parameter type.
This provides the cookie value (str) when used as a parameter type on a route. The name of the parameter is the cookie name.
- class FlaskSimpleAuth.Header
Request Header parameter type.
This provides the header value (str) when used as a parameter type on a route. The name of the parameter is the header name (case insensitive, underscore for dash).
- FlaskSimpleAuth.jsonify(a: Any) flask.Response
Jsonify something, including generators, dataclasses and pydantic stuff.
This is somehow an extension of Flask own jsonify, although it takes only one argument.
NOTE on generators, the generator output is json-streamed instead of being treated as a string or bytes generator.
- class FlaskSimpleAuth.Reference(*args, **kwargs)
Convenient object wrapper class.
This is a very thin wrapper around ProxyPatternPool Proxy class.
- class FlaskSimpleAuth.Flask(*args, debug: bool = False, **kwargs)
Flask class wrapper.
The class behaves mostly as a Flask class, but supports extensions:
decorator manages authentication, authorization and parameters transparently.per-methods shortcut decorators allow to handle root for a given method:
slightly extends its parent to allow changing the default content type and handle None body.several additional methods are provided:
class documentation about these methods.- json
Provides access to JSON methods. Functions in
will call methods on this provider when the application context is active. Used for handling JSON requests and responses.An instance of
. Can be customized by changing that attribute on a subclass, or by assigning to this attribute afterwards.The default,
, uses Python’s built-injson
library. A different provider can use a different JSON library.Added in version 2.2.
- make_response(rv) flask.Response
Create a Response.
This method handles overriding the default
and accepts a None body.
- class FlaskSimpleAuth.Directives
Documentation for configuration directives.
This class presents all configuration directives, their expected type and default value.
- FSA_MODE: str = 'prod'
Execution mode.
: default terse mode.dev
: adds headers with the route, authentication and run time.debug1
: increasing debug.
Module internal logging level.
Upgrade to
for maximal verbosity.
Whether to allow deprecated features.
Default is False, meaning deprecated features are coldly rejected. On True, a warning is generated when the feature is encountered. This setting may or may not apply to anything depending on the version.
- FSA_SECURE: bool = True
Require TLS on non local connexions.
This should be True, unless an external appliance handles TLS decryption.
- FSA_SERVER_ERROR: int = 500
Status code on FSA internal server errors.
This is for debugging help. Changing this allows to separate FSA errors from Flask errors or others.
- FSA_NOT_FOUND_ERROR: int = 404
Status code on not found errors.
This is for debugging help. Changing this allows to separate FSA generated 404 from others.
- FSA_LOCAL: str = 'thread'
Isolation requirement for internal per-request objects.
: one process onlythread
: threaded request handlerwerkzeug
: use werkzeug localgevent
: gevent request handlereventlet
: eventlet request handler
Depending on the WSGI server, requests may be managed by process, thread, greenlet… this setting must match the WGI context so that FSA can isolate requests properly.
Whether to handle all 4xx and 5xx Flask-generated errors.
on True: override Flask error processing to use FlaskSimpleAuth response generation with FSA internal error handler (FSA_ERROR_RESPONSE).
on False: some errors may generate their own response in any format based on Flask default error response generator.
- FSA_KEEP_USER_ERRORS: bool = False
Whether to hide user errors.
They may occur from any user-provided functions such as various hooks and route functions.
on False: intercept user errors and turned them into 5xx.
on True: refrain from handling user errors and let them pass to the outer WSGI infrastructure instead. User errors are intercepted anyway, traced and raised again.
- FSA_ERROR_RESPONSE: str | Hooks = 'plain'
Common hook for generating a response on errors.
Same as
: generate a simple text/plain response.json
: generate a simple application/json string.json:msg
: generate a JSON object with propertymsg
.callback: give full control to a callback which is passed the message, the status, headers and content type.
- FSA_GET_USER_PASS: Hooks | None = None
Password hook for getting a user’s salted hashed password.
Same as
decorator.Provide a callback to retrieved the hashed password from the user login. Returning None will skip internal password checking.
- FSA_AUTHENTICATION: dict[str, Hooks]
Authentication hook for adding authentication schemes.
Same as
decorator.For each scheme name, associate a callback which will be given the app and request, and should return the authenticated user login (str). Returning None suggests a 401 for this scheme. The implementation may also raise an
- FSA_GROUP_CHECK: dict[str, Hooks]
Authorization hook for checking whether a user is some groups.
Same as
decorator.For each group name, associate a callback which given a login returns whether the user belongs to this group. The group name is also registered in passing.
- FSA_USER_IN_GROUP: Hooks | None = None
Authorization hook for checking a user group.
Same as
decorator.Provide a hook to check whether a user, identified by their login, belogs to a group.
- FSA_OBJECT_PERMS: dict[str, Hooks]
Authorization hook for object permissions.
Same as
decorator.For each kind of object (domain), associate a callback which is given the object id, the user login and the expected role, and returns whether the user has this role for this object id. Return None for 404.
- FSA_CAST: dict[Any, Hooks]
Parameter hook for type conversion.
Cast function to call on the raw parameter (usually) string value, if it does not have the expected type. This does not apply to special and pydantic parameters.
See also
Parameter hook for special parameters.
The hook is called with the parameter name as an argument. It may access
or whatever to return some value.See also
- FSA_BEFORE_REQUEST: list[Hooks] = []
Request hook executed before request.
These hooks are managed internally by FlaskSimpleAuth so that they are executed after its own (FSA) before request hooks, so as to minimize interactions between user hooks registered to Flask directly and its own hooks.
- FSA_BEFORE_EXEC: list[Hooks] = []
Request hook executed after authentication.
FlaskSimpleAuth-specific hooks executed after authentication, so that for instance the current user is available.
The hook is executed after authentication and before the user function.
It may be used to commit and return a database connection used by the authentication phase.
See also
- FSA_AFTER_REQUEST: list[Hooks] = []
Request hook executed after request.
These hooks are managed internally by FlaskSimpleAuth so that they are executed after its own before request hooks, so as to minimize interactions between user hooks registered to Flask directly and its own hooks.
- FSA_ADD_HEADERS: dict[str, str | Callable[[], str]]
Response hook to add headers.
Key is the header name, value is the header value or a function generating the header value.
See also
- FSA_AUTH: str | list[str] = []
List of enabled authentication schemes.
This directive is mandatory.
Note: the result of authentication is the user identification (eg login, name or email…) as a string, which is accessible from the application and using the
special parameter type in route functions.none
: no authentication, implicit ifFSA_AUTH
is a scalar, required for OPEN routes.httpd
: inherit web-server authentication.basic
: HTTP Basic password authentication.http-basic
: same with Flask-HTTPAuth implementation.digest
: HTTP Digest password authentication with Flask-HTTPAuth.http-digest
: same as previous.param
: parameter password authentication.password
: trybasic
: fake authentication using a parameter, for local tests only.token
: token authentication (implicit ifFSA_AUTH
is a scalar).http-token
: same with Flask-HTTPAuth.oauth
: token authentication variant, where the token holds the list of permissions.
- FSA_AUTH_DEFAULT: str | list[str] | None = None
Default authentications to use on a route.
These authentications must be enabled. Default is None, which means relying on schemes allowed by
- FSA_REALM: str = '<to be set as application name>'
Authentication realm, default is application name.
This realm is used for basic, digest and token authentications.
Parameter name for fake authentication.
This parameter string value is taken as the authenticated user name when fake auth is enabled. Only for local tests, please!
Parameter name for user for param authentication.
This parameter string value is the login name for param authentication.
Parameter name for password for param authentication.
This parameter string value is the password for param authentication.
- FSA_TOKEN_TYPE: str | None = 'fsa'
Type of authentication token.
: simple custom tokenjwt
: JSON web token standardNone: disable token authentication
- FSA_TOKEN_ALGO: str = 'blake2s'
Token signature algorithm.
Default depends on token type.
: for fsa tokens. Other values can be taken fromhashlib
, seehashlib.algorithms_available
: for jwt tokens. Other values defined in the JWT standard.
- FSA_TOKEN_CARRIER: str = 'bearer'
Token carrier, i.e. where to find the token.
: in theAuthorization
header (default)cookie
: in a request cookieheader
: in a custom headerparam
: in a request parameter
directives provides the additional name.
- FSA_TOKEN_NAME: str = 'Bearer'
Token carrier name.
Authentication scheme, or cookie/header/parameter name. See defaults in full documentation.
- FSA_TOKEN_DELAY: float = 60.0
Token validity delay in minutes.
- FSA_TOKEN_GRACE: float = 0.0
Token grace time after expiration, in minutes.
- FSA_TOKEN_LENGTH: int = 16
FSA token signature length.
Number of hash characters kept for signing an fsa token. Default is 16, meaning a 64-bit signature.
- FSA_TOKEN_SECRET: str = '<to be overriden>'
Token verification secret.
Default is a randomly generated 256-bits string which only works for one process.
- FSA_TOKEN_SIGN: str | None = None
Token signature secret.
Only for public-key JWT schemes. Default is
- FSA_TOKEN_RENEWAL: float = 0.0
Token cookie automatic renewal as a fraction of remaining life time.
- FSA_TOKEN_ISSUER: str | None = None
Token issuer.
- FSA_PASSWORD_SCHEME: str | list[str] | None = 'bcrypt'
Password hash provider and algorithm name, or list of passlib schemes, or password disactivation.
If the provider is not set, uses
for bcrypt, argon2, scrypt, plaintext, a85 and b64, otherwisepasslib
- FSA_PASSWORD_OPTS: dict[str, Any] | None = None
Password hash algorithm options.
None triggers the defaults, which depend on the provider and scheme:
:{"rounds": 4, "prefix"=b"2b"}
:{"memory_cost": 1000, "time_cost": 1, "parallelism": 1}
:{"saltlength": 16, "maxtime": 0.05}
:{"bcrypt__default_rounds": 4, "bcrypt__default_ident": "2y"}
With passlib, default for bcrypt is ident 2y (132-bit salt) with 4 rounds (2⁴ hash iterations). It is compatible with Apache. All _2*_ variants are really equivalent.
The recommend password rounds is _12_, which results in _x00 ms_ server cpu time. This is okay only if you do not use password authentication on many routes, but only to retrieve some token which would be much easier to check.
Password quality minimal length.
Default is 0, meaning no minimal length is required.
- FSA_PASSWORD_RE: list[str] = []
Password quality regular expressions.
Passwords submitted to
are checked against this list. Default is empty list, meaning no character constraints on passwords.
- FSA_PASSWORD_QUALITY: Hooks | None = None
Password quality hook.
Arbitrary password quality check. Given the password string, returns whether the password is valid.
- FSA_PASSWORD_CHECK: Hooks | None = None
Password check hook.
Alternate password check function. Given the login and clear password, returns whether the authentication is valid. This allows to take full control of password checking, possibly as a fallback.
Consider adding a new authentication scheme, see FSA_AUTHENTICATION.
- FSA_HTTP_AUTH_OPTS: dict[str, Any]
Flask-HTTPAuth initialization options.
- FSA_AUTHZ_GROUPS: list[str] = []
Authorized groups declaration.
Declaring groups allows to detect group name typos at configuration time.
- FSA_AUTHZ_SCOPES: list[str] = []
Authorized scopes declaration.
Declaring scopes allows to detect scope name typos at configuration time.
Set default content type for str or bytes responses.
Default (None) is to use Flask’s defaults.
Whether to stream JSON output on generators.
Default (True) is to stream, which may interact badly with driver transactions depending on how the WSGI server works. Setting this to False ensures that JSON is returned as a string by FlaskSimpleAuth’s
- FSA_JSON_CONVERTER: dict[type, Hooks]
JSON Converter Mapping.
Map types to JSON conversion functions.
- FSA_JSON_ALLSTR: bool = False
JSON Converter Casting.
Whether to cast all unexpected types with
Whether to reject unexpected parameters.
- FSA_CACHE: str | MutableMapping = 'ttl'
Cache type.
: disactivate cachingdict
: simple dictionaryttl
, …: from CacheToolsmemcached
: external shared caches
Default is
… because it is a good idea.
- FSA_CACHE_SIZE: int = 262144
Cache maximum number of entries.
- FSA_CACHE_OPTS: dict[str, Any]
Cache initialization options.
These options as passed when creating the cache instance.
- FSA_CACHE_PREFIX: str | None = None
Cache common prefix.
This prefix is shared by all FSA internal cache entries, so that they may not collide with other cache entries when an external cache is shared by different part of an application.
- FSA_CACHED_OPTS: dict[str, Any]
Options for “cached” decorator.
- FSA_401_REDIRECT: str | None = None
URL redirection target on 401.
URL of the web application login page.
- FSA_URL_NAME: str = 'URL'
URL redirection parameter name.
The source URL is passed as this parameter to the 401 redirection target so that it can be redirected back after authentication.
- FSA_CORS: bool = False
Whether to activate Flask-CORS.
This is needed to work around web browser security checks. This implementation is delegated to the Flask-CORS extension.
- FSA_CORS_OPTS: dict[str, Any]
Flask-CORS initialization options.
See Flask-CORS documentation for details.
- class FlaskSimpleAuth.FlaskSimpleAuth(app: flask.Flask, debug: bool = False, **config)
Flask extension for authentication, authorization and parameters.
Although this class can be used as a Flask extension, the prefered approach is to use the Flask class provided in this module, which overrides directly Flask internals so as to provide our declarative security layer, so that you may not shortcut the extension.
- cast(t, cast: Hooks | None = None)
Add a cast function associated to a type.
This function is called for type conversion on parameters.
- special_parameter(t, sp: Hooks | None = None)
Add a special parameter type.
These special parameters are managed by calling the hook with a the parameter name as an argument.
- object_perms(domain: str, checker: Hooks | None = None)
Add an object permission helper for a given domain.
- add_group(*groups) None
Add some groups.
- add_scope(*scopes) None
Add some scopes.
- add_headers(**kwargs) None
Add some headers.
- add_json_converter(t: Any, h: Hooks) None
Register a JSON serialization conversion hook for a type.
- check_user_password(user, pwd) bool
Verify whether a user password is correct according to internals.
This allows to check the prior password for a change password route.
- check_password(pwd, ref)
Verify whether a password is correct compared to a reference (eg salted hash).
This allows to check the prior password for a change password route.
- hash_password(pwd, check=True)
Hash password according to the current password scheme.
Setting check to False disables automatic password quality checks.
- get_user(required=True) str | None
Authenticate user or throw exception.
Tries all possible authentication schemes allowed on the route, and returns the authenticated user or throws an exception. The result is memoized.
- current_user() str | None
Return current authenticated user, if any.
Returns None if no user has been authenticated.
- user_scope(scope) bool
Is scope in the current user scopes.
- clear_caches() None
Clear internal shared cache.
Probably a bad idea because:
of the performance impact
for a local cache in a multi-process setup, other processes are out
The best option is to wait for cache entries to expire with a TTL, or to use one of the specific
- password_uncache(user: str) bool
Remove user password entry from cache.
- token_uncache(token: str, realm: str) bool
Remove token entry from cache.
- user_token_uncache(user: str, realm: str) bool
Remove token associated to user/realm from cache.
- group_uncache(user: str, group: str | int) bool
Remove group membership entry from cache.
- object_perms_uncache(domain: str, user: str, oid, mode: str | None) bool
Remove permission entry from cache.
- auth_uncache(user: str) int
Attempt at removing all user authn and authz cache entries.
- add_url_rule(rule, endpoint=None, view_func=None, authz=None, authn=None, realm=None, **options)
Route decorator helper method.
This is the main function which takes a route function and adds all the necessary wrappers to manage authentication, authorization and parameters, before registering the endpoint to Flask WSGI dispatcher.
: authorization constraints.authn
: authentication constraints.realm
: realm for this route, supercedes global settings.
are deprecated versions ofauthz
- route(rule, **options)
Extended route decorator provided by FlaskSimpleAuth.
This decorator is also available on the Flask wrapper, please use it from there.
: the path, possibly including path parameters.authz
: mandatory permissions required, eg groups or object perms.authn
: authentication scheme(s) allowed on this route.realm
: authentication realm on this particular route.
- get(rule, **options)
Shortcut for route with GET method.
- post(rule, **options)
Shortcut for route with POST method.
- put(rule, **options)
Shortcut for route with PUT method.
- delete(rule, **options)
Shortcut for route with DELETE method.
- patch(rule, **options)
Shortcut for route with PATCH method.
- register_blueprint(blueprint, **options)
Register a blueprint.