Sample FlaskSimpleAuth Configuration
All configuration directives are documented. Here is a sample configuration file for FlaskSimpleAuth applications:
FSA_MODE = "dev" # prod (default), dev (recommended), debug1-4
# FSA_LOGGING_LEVEL = logging.INFO # logging verbosity, set to logging.DEBUG for debug
# FSA_ALLOW_DEPRECATION = False # whether to allow deprecated features
# FSA_SECURE = True # require TLS
# FSA_CORS = False # CORS handling
# FSA_CORS_OPTS = {} # CORS initialization parameters
# FSA_LOCAL = "thread" # isolation: process, thread, werkzeug, gevent, eventlet
# FSA_SERVER_ERROR = 500 # internally-generated errors
# FSA_NOT_FOUND_ERROR = 404 # internally-generated errors
# FSA_HANDLE_ALL_ERRORS = True # whether to hide errors
# FSA_KEEP_USER_ERRORS = False # whether to hide errors
# FSA_401_REDIRECT = None # URL for web authn redirection
# FSA_URL_NAME = "URL" # parameter for url return target
FSA_ERROR_RESPONSE = "json:error" # plain (default), json, json:<property-name>
# FSA_AUTH = "none" # in: none, httpd, basic, param, password, token, fake, oauth…
# FSA_AUTH_DEFAULT = None # default authentication on route, None for using FSA_AUTH
# FSA_REALM = <app-name> # authentication realm for basic and digest
# parameter names for fake and param
# FSA_FAKE_LOGIN = "LOGIN" # parameter name for fake authn
# FSA_PARAM_USER = "USER" # user parameter name for param authn
# FSA_PARAM_PASS = "PASS" # password parameter name for param authn
# token authentication
# FSA_TOKEN_TYPE = "fsa" # token type is "fsa" or "jwt"
# FSA_TOKEN_ALGO = "blake2s" # for signature, value depends on token type
# FSA_TOKEN_CARRIER = "bearer" # where to find the token: bearer, cookie, header, param
# FSA_TOKEN_NAME = "Bearer" # additional parameter for token carrier
# FSA_TOKEN_DELAY = 60.0 # minutes of validity
# FSA_TOKEN_GRACE = 0.0 # minutes of grace
# FSA_TOKEN_LENGTH = 16 # signature length kept for hashes
# FSA_TOKEN_SECRET = <256-bits-random>
# FSA_TOKEN_SIGN = None # private key for JWT pubkey schemes
# FSA_TOKEN_RENEWAL = 0.0 # for cookies, as a fraction of the validity delay
# FSA_TOKEN_ISSUER = None # set issuer field for JWT
# password authentication
# FSA_GET_USER_PASS = None # hook, login -> password hash
# FSA_PASSWORD_SCHEME = "bcrypt" # password algorithms, None to disable passwords
# FSA_PASSWORD_OPTS = {} # password initialization
# password quality settings
FSA_PASSWORD_LENGTH = 8 # minimal length, default is 0
FSA_PASSWORD_RE = [ r"[A-Z]", r"[a-z]", r"[0-9]" ] # list of re to match
# FSA_PASSWORD_QUALITY = None # external hook
# FSA_PASSWORD_CHECK = None i # alternate password checking hook
# misc
# FSA_HTTP_AUTH_OPTS = {} # external HTTPAuth authn
# FSA_AUTHENTICATION = {} # advanced hooks to add new authn methods…
# FSA_GROUP_CHECK = {} # groupe-name -> membership check fun
# FSA_OBJECT_PERMS = {} # domain -> permission check fun
# FSA_USER_IN_GROUP = None # group member hook: login, group -> bool
# FSA_AUTHZ_GROUPS = [] # formally declare group names
# FSA_AUTHZ_SCOPES = [] # declare scope names (for oauth)
# FSA_CAST = {} # type -> callable[[str], any]
# FSA_SPECIAL_PARAMETERS = {} # type -> callable
# FSA_DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE = None # set content type if unknown
# FSA_JSON_STREAMING = True # stream json response if possible
# FSA_CACHE = "ttl" # none, dict, or from cachetools, or redis, or memcached
# FSA_CACHE_OPTS = {} # initialization options
# FSA_CACHE_SIZE = 262144 # a few MiB
# FSA_CACHE_PREFIX = None # if shared cache
# FSA_CACHED_OPTS = {} # init options for "cached" decorator
# FSA_BEFORE_REQUEST = [] # fsa-managed before-request hooks
# FSA_BEFORE_EXEC = [] # executed just before the route function execution
# FSA_AFTER_REQUEST = [] # fsa-managed after-request hooks
# FSA_ADD_HEADERS = {} # add custom headers