
Backlog of features that may or may not come.


  • several simultaneous password management schemes should really be supported. this is already the case with passlib.

  • use default authentication in demo and other live projects (kiva, pizza, ref).

  • ldap

  • fake provider for testing: limiting fake authn to a parameter is inconvenient in practice. or record “test” as a new authentication and provide an adhoc function, eg to rely on ad-hoc unsigned tokens, for instance.

  • passlib totp

  • add any token scheme?

  • oauth: issuer/scope? issuer/secret?

  • how to have several issuers and their signatures schemes?

  • add issuer route parameter? see realm.

  • integrate authlib?

  • password re could use a dict for providing an explanation?


  • declare scopes per domain?


  • ldap authz?

  • authz/authn consistency? should “none” be required for “OPEN” routes?


  • FSA_PARAM_STYLE any/http/json to restrict/force parameters? being lazy is not too bad?

  • allow handling files in kwargs?

  • add a filter on returned value? make_response? after request?


  • how to export and use the cache for user-related data?

  • client caching should/could depend on the route. the method can only be GET, from a REST perspective other operations cannot be cached. Function parameters must be serializable. use declarations? hints? hooks? contraints on cached routes? cache accesses must occur after permission checks.

    FSA_ROUTE_CACHE = lambda p, f: ...
    @app.get("/foo", cached=True)
    def get_foo(...):
    # could be equivalent to:
    def get_bla(...):
  • what about secured caching, eg an expensive password check?

Other Features

  • how to add a timeout? or manage an outside one?

  • logging default behavior is a pain and the maintainer is self satisfied. how to ensure that logging is initialized?

  • the doc and implementation should clarify exception handling, and possible overrides.

  • add ability to catch and process any user error. what about Flask?

  • declare some exceptions to be turned into 400 instead of 500? currently this can be done below, eg anodb, maybe this is enough?

  • json mode: generate json in more cases? automatically?

Software Engineering

  • reduce sloc?

  • check for more directive types (dynamically)?

  • add app.log?

  • take advantage of TypedDict?


  • more recipes?

  • include demo? point to demo?

  • comparisons with other frameworks

  • use FlaskTester in tutorial?


  • bad/malformed requests should generate 400 instead of 500 in some cases?

  • remove deprecated authorize/auth decorator parameter names.

  • remove deprecated ALL/ANY/NONE special groups.

  • fix SpecialParameterFun type declaration.

  • fix ObjectPermsFun type declaration.

  • add PyPy 3.11 when pyo3 (pydantic-core dependency) is okay.

  • remove free-threaded Python dependency workaround in GitHub CI cryptography does not work yet (as of 2025-03-07)