FlaskSimpleAuth Tutorial

In this tutorial, you will build a secure REST HTTP Python WSGI back end using FlaskSimpleAuth, a Flask extension. It will feature basic and parameter password authentication (who is the user?), as well as group and object authorizations (permissions associated to the authenticated who). This is not very different from starting a Flask project, but if you start with Flask you will have to unlearn things as FlaskSimpleAuth framework extends and simplifies Flask on key points.

This tutorial assumes a working knowledge of the HTTP protocol in a REST API context, intermediate level programming in Python, and interacting from a terminal with a shell. It should work with Python 3.1x on Unix (Linux, MacOS) and possibly Windows with WSL. It is advisable to use a version control tool such as git to commit the tutorial state after each section. Feel free to report any issue with this tutorial by opening a ticket on the project GitHub.

Application Setup

Let us first create a minimal running REST application back end without authentication and authorizations.
Create and activate a Python virtual environment in a new directory, from a shell terminal:

python --version  # must show 3.1x
mkdir fsa-tuto
cd fsa-tuto
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install FlaskSimpleAuth[password]

Using your favorite text editor, create in the fsa-tuto directory the app.py file with an open (unauthenticated) GET /hello route. The authorize route parameter is mandatory to declare authorization requirements on the route. If not set, the route would be closed (aka 403).

# file "app.py"
# necessary for debug messages to show up…
import logging

# Flask initialization
import FlaskSimpleAuth as fsa
app = fsa.Flask("acme")


# GET /hello route, not authenticated
@app.get("/hello", authorize="OPEN")
def get_hello():
    return { "msg": "hello", "version": fsa.__version__ }, 200


Create the acme.conf configuration file:

# file "acme.conf"
FSA_AUTH = "none"    # allow non authenticated routes (aka OPEN authorization)
FSA_MODE = "debug1"  # debug level 1, max is 4
FSA_ADD_HEADERS = { "Application": "Acme" }

Start the application in a terminal with the flask local test server.

export ACME_CONFIG="acme.conf"  # where to find the configuration file
flask --app ./app.py run --debug --reload
# various log traces...
# control-c to stop

Test the route, for instance using curl from another terminal:

curl -si -X GET http://localhost:5000/hello  # 200

You should see a log line for the request in the application terminal, possibly some debug output, and the JSON response in the second terminal, with 3 FSA-specific headers telling the request, the authentication and execution time from the framework point of view:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Werkzeug/... Python/...
Date: ...
Application: Acme
FSA-Request: GET /hello
FSA-User: None (None)
FSA-Delay: 0.000666
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 42
Connection: close

  "msg": "hello",
  "version": "33.1"

It is good practice to automate application tests, for instance with pytest.
Create a test.py file with a test to cover this route:

# file "test.py"
import pytest
from app import app

def client():
    with app.test_client() as client:
        yield client

def test_hello(client):
    res = client.get("/hello")         # GET /hello
    assert res.status_code == 200
    assert res.json["msg"] == "hello"


Install and run pytest:

pip install pytest
pytest test.py  # 1 passed

Acme Database

Our incredible application will hold some data in a toy Acme database with Users who can own Stuff at a price.
Create file acme.py to manage a simplistic in-memory database implemented as the AcmeData class:

# file "acme.py"
import re
import FlaskSimpleAuth as fsa

class AcmeData:

    def __init__(self):
        # Users: login -> (password_hash, email, is_admin)
        self.users: dict[str, list[str, str, bool]] = {}
        # Stuff: name -> (owner, price)
        self.stuff: dict[str, list[str, float]] = {}

    def user_exists(self, login: str) -> bool:
        return login in self.users

    def add_user(self, login: str, password: str, email: str, admin: bool) -> None:
        self.user_exists(login) and fsa.err(f"cannot overwrite existing user: {login}", 409)
        re.match(r"^[a-z][a-z0-9]+$", login) or fsa.err(f"invalid login name: {login}", 400)
        self.users[login] = [password, email, admin]

    def get_user_pass(self, login: str) -> str|None:
        return self.users[login][0] if login in self.users else None

    def user_is_admin(self, login: str) -> bool:
        return self.users[login][2] if login in self.users else False

    def add_stuff(self, stuff: str, login: str, price: float) -> None:
        stuff in self.stuff and fsa.err(f"cannot overwrite existing stuff: {stuff}", 409)
        login in self.users or fsa.err(f"no such user: {login}", 404)
        self.stuff[stuff] = [login, price]

    def get_user_stuff(self, login: str) -> list[tuple[str, float]]:
        login in self.users or fsa.err(f"no such user: {login}", 404)
        return [ (stuff, row[1]) for stuff,row in self.stuff.items() if row[0] == login ]

    def change_stuff(self, stuff: str, price: float) -> None:
        stuff in self.stuff or fsa.err(f"no such stuff: {stuff}", 404)
        self.stuff[stuff][1] = price

This class can be tested with test.py:

# append to "test.py"
import acme

def test_acmedata():
    db = acme.AcmeData()
    # users
    assert not db.user_exists("susie")
    db.add_user("susie", "susie-pass", "susie@acme.org", True)
    db.add_user("calvin", "calvin-pass", "calvin@acme.org", False)
    assert db.user_exists("susie") and db.user_exists("calvin")
    assert db.get_user_pass("susie") == "susie-pass"
    assert db.get_user_pass("calvin") == "calvin-pass"
    assert db.user_is_admin("susie") and not db.user_is_admin("calvin")
    # stuff
    db.add_stuff("pencil", "susie", 3.12)
    db.add_stuff("toy", "calvin", 2.72)
    assert db.get_user_stuff("calvin") == [ ("toy", 2.72) ]
    db.change_stuff("pencil", 3.14)
    assert db.get_user_stuff("susie") == [ ("pencil", 3.14) ]
    # FIXME should also test errors...

Run pytest as before to achieve 2 passed.

Basic Authentication

Let us now add new routes with basic authentication, which requires to:

  • configure the application.

  • store user credentials somewhere.

  • provide a password callback.

  • create authenticated routes.

Edit the acme.conf file to tell about basic authentication:

# update "acme.conf"
FSA_AUTH = ["basic", "none"]
FSA_REALM = "acme"  # the app name, also the default

For non trivial projects, it is good practice to split the application in several files. This creates an annoying chicken-and-egg issue with Python initializations. A common pattern is to define init_app(app: Flask) initialization functions in each file, to call them from the main application file, and to use proxy objects to avoid loading ordering issues.
Create a database.py file which will hold our application primitive database interface:

# file "database.py"
import os
import FlaskSimpleAuth as fsa
import acme

# this is a proxy object to the actual database created when calling init_app
db = fsa.Reference()

# application database initialization
def init_app(app: fsa.Flask):
    # initialize proxy object
    # add user acme as an admin
    db.add_user("acme", app.hash_password(os.environ["ACME_PASS"]), "acme@acme.org", True)

Create an auth.py file for the authentication and authorization callbacks:

# file "auth.py"
import FlaskSimpleAuth as fsa

# the database is needed!
from database import db

# FlaskSimpleAuth password authentication hook
def get_user_pass(login: str) -> str|None:
    # NOTE returning None would work as well, but the result would be cached
    db.user_exists(login) or fsa.err(f"no such user: {login}", 401)
    return db.get_user_pass(login)


# application auth initialization
def init_app(app: fsa.Flask):
    # register password hook
    # app.get_user_pass(db.get_user_pass)  # would work as well…

Edit the app.py file to import and initialize database and auth:

# insert in "app.py" initialization
import database
db = database.db

import auth

And add routes which can be accessed by AUTH-enticated users:

# append to "app.py" routes
# all authenticated users can access this route
@app.get("/hello-me", authorize="AUTH")
def get_hello_me(user: fsa.CurrentUser):
    return { "msg": "hello", "user": user }, 200

# users can add stuff for themselves
@app.post("/stuff", authorize="AUTH")
def post_stuff(stuff: str, price: float, user: fsa.CurrentUser):
    db.add_stuff(stuff, user, price)
    return f"stuff added: {stuff}", 201

# and consult them
@app.get("/stuff", authorize="AUTH")
def get_stuff(user: fsa.CurrentUser):
    return fsa.jsonify(db.get_user_stuff(user)), 200

The user parameter will be automatically filled with the name of the authenticated user. Other parameters are filled and converted from the request HTTP or JSON parameters.
Set the admin password in the environment, in each terminal:

# hint for 64+ bit random password: head -c 9 /dev/random | base64
export ACME_PASS="<a-good-admin-password>"

Restart and test the application:

curl -si -X GET                          http://localhost:5000/hello-me  # 401
curl -si -X GET -u 'meca:Mec0!'          http://localhost:5000/hello-me  # 401
curl -si -X GET -u "acme:$ACME_PASS"     http://localhost:5000/hello-me  # 200
curl -si -X POST -u "acme:$ACME_PASS" \
    -d stuff=pinte -d price=6.5          http://localhost:5000/stuff     # 201
curl -si -X POST -u "acme:$ACME_PASS" \
    -d stuff=pinte -d price=6.5          http://localhost:5000/stuff     # 409
curl -si -X GET -u "acme:$ACME_PASS"     http://localhost:5000/stuff     # 200

Also append these same tests to test.py, and run them with pytest to achieve 3 passed:

# append to "test.py"
import os
import base64

# NOTE basic auth should be managed by the test client…
# see https://pypi.org/project/FlaskTester/ for instance
def basic_auth(login: str, passwd: str) -> dict[str, str]:
    encoded = base64.b64encode(f"{login}:{passwd}".encode("UTF8"))
    return { "Authorization": f"Basic {encoded.decode('ascii')}" }

ACME_BASIC = basic_auth("acme", os.environ["ACME_PASS"])

MECA_PASS = "Mec0!"
MECA_BASIC = basic_auth("meca", MECA_PASS)

def test_basic_authn(client):
    res = client.get("/hello-me")
    assert res.status_code == 401
    res = client.get("/hello-me", headers=MECA_BASIC)
    assert res.status_code == 401
    res = client.get("/hello-me", headers=ACME_BASIC)
    assert res.status_code == 200
    assert res.json["user"] == "acme"
    res = client.post("/stuff", headers=ACME_BASIC, json={"stuff": "pinte", "price": 6.5})
    assert res.status_code == 201
    res = client.post("/stuff", headers=ACME_BASIC, json={"stuff": "pinte", "price": 6.5})
    assert res.status_code == 409
    res = client.get("/stuff", headers=ACME_BASIC)
    assert res.status_code == 200 and res.json[0][0] == "pinte"
    # FIXME should cleanup data

Param Authentication

Another common way to authenticate a user is to provide the credentials as request parameters. This is usually done once to get some token (bearer, cookie…) which will be used to access other routes, as discussed in the next section. Initialization requirements are the same as for basic authentication, as retrieving the user password is also needed.
To enable parameter authentication as well as basic authentication, simply update the FSA_AUTH configuration directive in acme.conf:

# update "acme.conf"
FSA_AUTH = ["basic", "param", "none"]

Which parameters are used for authentication is also configurable in acme.conf:

# append to "acme.conf"
FSA_PARAM_USER = "username"  # parameter for the user name (default is USER)
FSA_PARAM_PASS = "password"  # parameter for the password (default is PASS)

Test from a terminal:

curl -si -X GET -d username=acme -d password="$ACME_PASS" http://localhost:5000/hello-me  # 200

Also append these same tests to test.py, and run them with pytest to achieve 4 passed:

# append to "test.py"
def test_param_authn(client):
    # authentication parameters
    acme_auth_params = {"username": "acme", "password": os.environ["ACME_PASS"]}
    # passed as HTTP parameters
    res = client.get("/hello-me", data=acme_auth_param)
    assert res.status_code == 200 and res.json["user"] == "acme"
    # or as JSON parameters
    res = client.get("/hello-me", json=acme_auth_param)
    assert res.status_code == 200 and res.json["user"] == "acme"

Authentication is often managed with tokens instead of passwords. This approach is discussed in the next section.

Token Authentication

Let us now activate token authentication. This avoids sending login/passwords in each request, and is much more efficient for the server because cryptographic password hashing functions are designed to be very slow. Moreover, you may not want to pay for cpu cycles and have your users endure additional latency just for that.
Token authentication can be activated explicitely by prepending token to FSA_AUTH in acme.conf:

# update "acme.conf"
FSA_AUTH = ["token", "basic", "param", "none"]

Then we need a token signature secret and a route to create a token.
Edit File acme.conf to add the secret and delay of your chosing:

# append to "acme.conf"
# Unix 256+ bits random secret in ASCII: head -c 33 /dev/random | base64
FSA_TOKEN_SECRET = "<some-good-and-long-secret-for-token-signature>"
# NOTE: if not set, a random default is used instead
FSA_TOKEN_DELAY = 10.0  # set token expiration to 10 minutes (default is 1 hour)

In a more realistic setting, the token secret would probably not be directly in the configuration, but passed to it or loaded by it somehow.
Edit File app.py to add new routes to create a token for the current user authenticated by a password scheme:

# append to "app.py"
@app.get("/token", authorize="AUTH", auth=["basic", "param"])
def get_token(user: fsa.CurrentUser):
    return { "token": app.create_token(user) }, 200

# web application like to POST with authentication parameters to get a token
@app.post("/token", authorize="AUTH", auth="param")
def post_token(user: fsa.CurrentUser):
    return { "token": app.create_token(user) }, 201

Then restart and test:

curl -si -X GET -u "acme:$ACME_PASS"                       http://localhost:5000/token
curl -si -X POST -d username=acme -d password="$ACME_PASS" http://localhost:5000/token

You should see the token as a JSON property in the response. The default token type is fsa, with a short human-readable format.
Proceed to use the token instead of the login/password to authenticate the user on a route:

curl -si -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer <put-the-raw-token-value-here>" \
                                        http://localhost:5000/hello-me  # 200

Also append these same tests to test.py, and run them with pytest to achieve 5 passed:

# append to "test.py"
def test_token_authn(client):
    acme_param_auth = {"username": "acme", "password": os.environ["ACME_PASS"]}
    # GET /token basic
    res = client.get("/token", headers=ACME_BASIC)
    assert res.status_code == 200 and "token" in res.json
    ACME_TOKEN = { "Authorization": f"Bearer {res.json['token']}" }
    # GET /hello-me with the token
    res = client.get("/hello-me", headers=ACME_TOKEN)
    assert res.status_code == 200 and res.json["user"] == "acme"
    # GET /token param
    res = client.get("/token", data=acme_param_auth)
    assert res.status_code == 200 and "token" in res.json
    res = client.get("/token", json=acme_param_auth)
    assert res.status_code == 200 and "token" in res.json
    # POST /token param
    res = client.post("/token", data=acme_param_auth)
    assert res.status_code == 201 and "token" in res.json
    res = client.post("/token", json=acme_param_auth)
    assert res.status_code == 201 and "token" in res.json
    res = client.post("/token", headers=ACME_BASIC)
    assert res.status_code == 401  # no basic auth

Group Authorization

For group authorization, we need to:

  • store group membership information somewhere.

  • provide callbacks to check for group membership.

  • define a route which requires some group membership.

Whether a user belongs to the admin group is defined as a boolean in the user profile managed by AcmeData.
First, write the group checking hook:

# in "auth.py"
def user_is_admin(user: str) -> bool:
    return db.user_is_admin(user)

Then register it in the auth initializations:

# append to "init_app" in "auth.py"
    app.group_check("admin", user_is_admin)
    # app.group_check("admin", db.user_is_admin)  # would work as well…

Then edit app.py to create a route reserved to admins which insert new users, with three mandatory parameters: login, password and email:

# append to "app.py"
@app.post("/user", authorize="admin")
def post_user(login: str, password: str, email: str):
    db.add_user(login, app.hash_password(password), email, False)
    return f"user added: {login}", 201

Then restart and test:

curl -si -X POST -u "acme:$ACME_PASS" \
                                      http://localhost:5000/user      # 400 (missing parameters)
curl -si -X POST -u "acme:$ACME_PASS" \
  -d login="acme" -d email="acme@acme.org" -d password='P0ss!' \
                                      http://localhost:5000/user      # 409 (user exists)
curl -si -X POST -u "acme:$ACME_PASS" \
  -d login="123" -d email="123@acme.org" -d password='P1ss!' \
                                      http://localhost:5000/user      # 400 (bad login parameter)
curl -si -X POST -u "acme:$ACME_PASS" \
  -d login="meca" -d email="meca@acme.org" -d password='Mec0!' \
                                      http://localhost:5000/user      # 201
curl -si -X GET -u 'meca:Mec0!'       http://localhost:5000/hello-me  # 200

Also append these same tests to test.py, and run them with pytest to achieve 6 passed:

# append to "test.py"
def test_group_authz(client):
    res = client.post("/user", headers=ACME_BASIC)
    assert res.status_code == 400
    res = client.post("/user", headers=ACME_BASIC, json={"login": "acme", "email": "acme@acme.org", "password": "P0ss!"})
    assert res.status_code == 409
    res = client.post("/user", headers=ACME_BASIC, json={"login": "123", "email": "123@acme.org", "password": "P1ss!"})
    assert res.status_code == 400
    res = client.post("/user", headers=ACME_BASIC, json={"login": "meca", "email": "meca@acme.org", "password": MECA_PASS})
    assert res.status_code == 201
    res = client.get("/hello-me", headers=MECA_BASIC)
    assert res.status_code == 200 and res.json["user"] == "meca"
    # FIXME should cleanup data

Object Authorization

Object permissions link a user to some objects to allow operations. We want to allow object owners to change the price of their stuff.
First, create the permission verification hook for stuff accesses:

# insert in "auth.py"
def stuff_permissions(login: str, stuff: str, role: str) -> bool|None:
    if stuff not in db.stuff:  # if no stuff, trigger a 404
        return None
    elif role == "owner":  # tell whether current user is the owner
        return db.stuff[stuff][0] == login
    else:  # pragma: no cover
        raise fsa.ErrorResponse(f"unexpected stuff role {role}", 500)

Then register it in the auth initializations, associated to domain stuff:

# append to "init_app" in "auth.py"
    app.object_perms("stuff", stuff_permissions)

Then implement the route, with the authorize tuple telling that the user must have owner access permission to the object identified by variable sid value in domain stuff:

# append to "app.py"
@app.patch("/stuff/<sid>", authorize=("stuff", "sid", "owner"))
def patch_stuff_sid(sid: str, price: float):
    db.change_stuff(sid, price)
    return f"stuff changed: {sid}", 200

Then restart and test:

curl -si -X POST -u "acme:$ACME_PASS" \
  -d login="mace" -d email="mace@acme.org" -d password='Mac1!' \
                                      http://localhost:5000/user        # 201
curl -si -X POST -u 'mace:Mac1!' \
    -d stuff=bear -d price=2.0        http://localhost:5000/stuff       # 201
curl -si -X PATCH -u "acme:$ACME_PASS" \
                  -d price=3.0        http://localhost:5000/stuff/bear  # 403
curl -si -X PATCH -u 'mace:Mac1!' \
                  -d price=3.0        http://localhost:5000/stuff/bear  # 200

Also append these same tests to test.py, and run them with pytest to achieve 7 passed:

# append to "test.py"
MACE_PASS = "M@c1!"
MACE_BASIC = basic_auth("mace", MACE_PASS)

def test_objperm_authz(client):
    res = client.post("/user", headers=ACME_BASIC,
                      json={"login": "mace", "password": MACE_PASS, "email": "mace@acme.org"})
    assert res.status_code == 201
    res = client.post("/stuff", headers=MACE_BASIC, json={"stuff": "bear", "price": 2.0})
    assert res.status_code == 201
    res = client.patch("/stuff/bear", headers=ACME_BASIC, json={"price": 3.0})
    assert res.status_code == 403
    res = client.patch("/stuff/bear", headers=MACE_BASIC, json={"price": 3.0})
    assert res.status_code == 200
    # FIXME should cleanup data

Dataclass Parameters

Application front ends are typically developed with JavaScript, thus JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a convenient serialization format to exchange data with a Python back end. FlaskSimpleAuth supports data classes for parameters and return values.
Let us install the pydantic data-structure validation library:

pip install pydantic

Then add data type definitions and an open route to app.py to compute the age of Someone in days.

# append to "app.py"
from pydantic.dataclasses import dataclass
import datetime

class Someone:
    name: str
    born: datetime.date

class Days:
    name: str
    days: int

@app.get("/days", authorize="OPEN")
def get_days(who: Someone):
    age = datetime.datetime.now().date() - who.born
    return fsa.jsonify(Days(name=who.name, days=age.days))

This route can be tested directly:

# http parameter
curl -si -X GET -d who='{"name":"Hobbes","born":"2020-07-29"}' http://localhost:5000/days
# json parameter
curl -si -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{"who":{"name":"Calvin","born":"1970-03-20"}}'         http://localhost:5000/days
# with an invalid date
curl -si -X GET -d who='{"name":"Calvin","born":"unknown"}'    http://localhost:5000/days

Then automatically, run with pytest to achieve 8 passed:

# append to "test.py"
def test_days(client):
    res = client.get("/days", data={"who":{"name":"Calvin","born":"1970-03-20"}})
    assert res.status_code == 200
    assert res.json["name"] == "Calvin" and isinstance(res.json["days"], int)
    res = client.get("/days", json={"who":{"name":"Susie","born":"1970-10-14"}})
    assert res.status_code == 200
    assert res.json["name"] == "Susie" and isinstance(res.json["days"], int)
    # invalid data should lead to 400
    res = client.get("/days", json={"who":{"name":"Hobbes","born":"not yesterday"}})
    assert res.status_code == 400

Note that this also works with standard dataclasses.

Standard Type Hints Parameters

Types hints based on standard types (list, dict…) are also supported through JSON serialization. Let us add a route to report which numbers from a list are primes with the help of the sympy package:

pip install sympy

Then add an open route to app.py to return which integers are prime from a list of integers:

# append to "app.py"
import sympy

@app.get("/primes", authorize="OPEN")
def get_primes(li: list[int]):
    return fsa.jsonify(filter(sympy.isprime, li))

This can be tested directly:

# http parameters
curl -si -X GET -d li=1 -d li=10 -d li=11 http://localhost:5000/primes
# json parameters
curl -si -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"li":[1,10,11,20,21,23]}'          http://localhost:5000/primes
# bad parameters should get a 400
curl -si -X GET -d li=prime -d li=time    http://localhost:5000/primes

Then automatically, run with pytest to achieve 9 passed:

# append to "test.py"
def test_primes(client):
    res = client.get("/primes?li=7&li=8")
    assert res.status_code == 200 and res.json == [7]
    res = client.get("/primes", json={"li": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]})
    assert res.status_code == 200 and res.json == [2, 3, 5, 7]
    res = client.get("/primes", json={"li": ["odd", "even"]})
    assert res.status_code == 400

JSON Parameters

Arbitrary JSON parameters can be declared with special type JsonData:

# append to "app.py"
@app.get("/len", authorize="OPEN")
def get_len(p: fsa.JsonData):
        return {"len": len(p)}
    except TypeError:
        return {"len": "not available"}

Which it can be tested manually:

curl -si -d 'p={"hi":"w!"}' http://localhost:5000/len  # 200: 1
curl -si -d 'p=[1,2]'       http://localhost:5000/len  # 200: 2
curl -si -d 'p="hi!"'       http://localhost:5000/len  # 200: 3
curl -si -d 'p=3.14'        http://localhost:5000/len  # 200: not available
curl -si -d 'p=null'        http://localhost:5000/len  # 200: not available
curl -si -d 'p=not-json'    http://localhost:5000/len  # 400: invalid parameter
curl -si                    http://localhost:5000/len  # 400: missing parameter

And automatically:

# append to "test.py"
def test_len(client):
    # working
    res = client.get("len", json={"p": {"hi":"w!"}})
    assert res.status_code == 200 And res.json["len"] == 1
    res = client.get("len", json={"p": ["foo", "bla"]})
    assert res.status_code == 200 And res.json["len"] == 2
    res = client.get("len", json={"p": "hi!"})
    assert res.status_code == 200 And res.json["len"] == 3
    res = client.get("len", data={"p": '"hi!"'})
    assert res.status_code == 200 And res.json["len"] == 3
    res = client.get("len", json={"p": null})
    assert res.status_code == 200 And res.json["len"] == "not available"
    # errors
    res = client.get("len")
    assert res.status_code == 400  # missing parameter
    res = client.get("len", data={"p": "bad-json"})
    assert res.status_code == 400  # invalid parameter value

Further Improvements

Let us edit acme.conf to activate or change some features.

Errors are shown as text/plain by default, but this can be changed to JSON which will be more easily handled by JavaScript clients:

# append to "acme.conf"
FSA_ERROR_RESPONSE = "json:error"  # show errors as JSON

You can add minimal password strength requirements:

# append to "acme.conf"
# passwords must contain at least 5 characters
# including an upper case letter, a lower case letter, and a digit.
FSA_PASSWORD_RE = [ r"[A-Z]", r"[a-z]", r"[0-9]" ]

After restarting the application, weak passwords are rejected, and error messages as shown as JSON objects:

curl -si -X POST -u "acme:$ACME_PASS" \
  -d login="came" -d email="came@acme.org" -d password="C@me" \
                                         http://localhost:5000/user  # 400 (pass length)
curl -si -X POST -u "acme:$ACME_PASS" \
  -d login="came" -d email="came@acme.org" -d password="Cameleon" \
                                         http://localhost:5000/user  # 400 (pass regex)

Also append these same tests to test.py, and run them with pytest to achieve 10 passed:

# append to "test.py"
def test_weak_password(client):
    res = client.post("/user", headers=ACME_BASIC,
                      data={"login": "came", "password": "C@me", "email": "came@acme.org"})
    assert res.status_code == 400
    assert "too short" in res.json["error"]
    res = client.post("/user", headers=ACME_BASIC,
                      data={"login": "came", "password": "Cameleon", "email": "came@acme.org"})
    assert res.status_code == 400
    assert "must match" in res.json["error"]

You may want to use standard JWT (JSON Web Token) instead of fsa tokens. For that, install package dependencies pip install FlaskSimpleAuth[jwt] and update the application configuration:

# append to "acme.conf"
FSA_TOKEN_TYPE = "jwt"  # default is "fsa"

The authentication configuration can be simplified to the same effect by setting it to password, which stands for both basic and param, and the fact that token and none are added implicitely when the configuration is a scalar:

# update "acme.conf"
FSA_AUTH = "password"

The default behavior is that any authentication scheme can be used on any route which requires authentication. Often, an application can be more selective, for instance by requiring an actual password on the login route and only tokens on the others.
In order to achieve this behavior:

# append to "acme.conf"
FSA_AUTH_DEFAULT = "token"  # default authentication scheme

And update route definitions to require some other scheme when needed with parameter auth="param", auth="basic", auth="password" for both, or auth="none" for open routes.

Finally, as the debugging level is not useful anymore, it can be reduced by updating FSA_MODE setting:

# update in "acme.conf"
FSA_MODE = "dev"

Restart and test the application with these new settings…


By following this tutorial, you have built a secure Flask application by taking advantage of features provided by FlaskSimpleAuth: basic, parameter and token authentications, group and object permissions authorizations, and handling data classes.

Note: a tutorial is not the standard way of doing things, it is just a simplistic and minimal example to demonstrate available features. You should develop your skills by using tools such as make and shell scripting to simplify, automate and speed up your development process. Also, the above tests with authentications could be simplified with the FlaskTester package.