
FlaskTester - Pytest fixtures for Flask authenticated internal and external tests.

PYTEST_DONT_REWRITE: local assertions are really that, not pytest assertions.



Base exception for FlaskTester package.


Authenticator Exception.



Manage HTTP request authentication.


Wrapper to return a Flask-looking response from a request response.


Common (partial) class for flask authenticated testing.


Request-based test provider.


Flask-based test provider.



Pytest Fixture: ft_authenticator.


Pytest Fixture: ft_client.

Module Contents

exception FlaskTester.FlaskTesterError

Bases: BaseException

Base exception for FlaskTester package.

exception FlaskTester.AuthError

Bases: FlaskTesterError

Authenticator Exception.

class FlaskTester.Authenticator(allow: list[str] = ['bearer', 'basic', 'param', 'none'], user: str = 'USER', pwd: str = 'PASS', login: str = 'LOGIN', bearer: str = 'Bearer', header: str = 'Auth', cookie: str = 'auth', tparam: str = 'AUTH', ptype: str = 'data')

Manage HTTP request authentication.

Supported schemes:

  • basic: HTTP Basic Authentication.

  • param: password with HTTP or JSON parameters.

  • bearer: token in Authorization bearer header.

  • header: token in a header.

  • cookie: token in a cookie.

  • tparam: token in a parameter.

  • fake: fake scheme, login directly passed as a parameter.

  • none: no authentication, only cookies.

Constructor parameters:

  • allow – List of allowed schemes. defaults to ["bearer", "basic", "param", "none"].

  • user – Parameter for user on param password authentication, defaults to "USER".

  • pwd – Parameter for password on param password authentication, defaults to "PASS".

  • login – Parameter for user on fake authentication, defaults to "LOGIN".

  • bearer – Name of bearer scheme for token, defaults to "Bearer".

  • header – Name of header for token, defaults to "Auth".

  • cookie – Name of cookie for token, defaults to "auth".

  • tparam – Name of parameter for token, defaults to "AUTH".

  • ptype – Default parameter type, either data or json, defaults to "data".

Note: default values are consistent with FlaskSimpleAuth.

setPass(login: str, pw: str | None)

Associate a password to a user.

Set to None to remove the password entry.

setPasses(pws: list[str])

Associate a list of login:password.

setToken(login: str, token: str | None)

Associate a token to a user.

Set to None to remove the token entry.

setCookie(login: str, name: str, val: str | None = None)

Associate a cookie and its value to a login, None to remove.

setAuth(login: str | None, kwargs: dict[str, Any], cookies: dict[str, str], auth: str | None = None)

Set request authentication.

  • login – Login target, None means no authentication.

  • kwargs – Request parameters to modify.

  • cookies – Request cookies to modify.

  • auth – Authentication method, default is None.

The default behavior is to try allowed schemes: token first, then password, then fake.

class FlaskTester.RequestFlaskResponse(response)

Wrapper to return a Flask-looking response from a request response.

This only works for simple responses.

Available public attributes:

  • status_code: integer status code.

  • data: body as bytes.

  • text: body as a string.

  • headers: dict of headers and their values.

  • cookies: dict of cookies.

  • json: JSON-converted body, or None.

  • is_json: whether body was in JSON.

Constructor parameter:


response – Response from request.

class FlaskTester.Client(auth: Authenticator, default_login: str | None = None)

Common (partial) class for flask authenticated testing.

Constructor parameters:

  • auth – Authenticator.

  • default_login – When login is not set.

setToken(login: str, token: str | None)

Associate a token to a login, None to remove.

setPass(login: str, password: str | None)

Associate a password to a login, None to remove.

setCookie(login: str, name: str, val: str | None)

Associate a cookie to a login, None name to remove.

request(method: str, path: str, status: int | None = None, content: str | None = None, auth: str | None = None, **kwargs)

Run a possibly authenticated HTTP request.

Mandatory parameters:

  • method – HTTP method (“GET”, “POST”, “PATCH”, “DELETE”…).

  • path – Local path under the base URL.

Optional parameters:

  • status – Expected HTTP status, None to skip status check.

  • content – Regular expression for response body, None to skip content check.

  • login – Authenticated user, use explicit None to skip default.

  • auth – Authentication scheme to use instead of default behavior.

  • **kwargs

    More request parameters (headers, data, json…).

get(path: str, status: int | None = None, content: str | None = None, **kwargs)

HTTP GET request, see Client.request.

post(path: str, status: int | None = None, content: str | None = None, **kwargs)

HTTP POST request, see Client.request.

put(path: str, status: int | None = None, content: str | None = None, **kwargs)

HTTP PUT request, see Client.request.

patch(path: str, status: int | None = None, content: str | None = None, **kwargs)

HTTP PATCH request, see Client.request.

delete(path: str, status: int | None = None, content: str | None = None, **kwargs)

HTTP DELETE request, see Client.request.

class FlaskTester.RequestClient(auth: Authenticator, base_url: str, default_login=None)

Bases: Client

Request-based test provider.

Constructor parameters:

  • auth – Authenticator.

  • base_url – Target server.

  • default_login – When login is not set.

class FlaskTester.FlaskClient(auth: Authenticator, client, default_login=None)

Bases: Client

Flask-based test provider.

Constructor parameters:

  • auth – Authenticator.

  • client – Flask actual test_client.

  • default_login – When login is not set.

Note: this client handles cookies.


Pytest Fixture: ft_authenticator.

Environment variables:


  • FLASK_TESTER_ALLOW: allowed space-separated authentication schemes, in basic param bearer header cookie tparam fake none, defaults to bearer basic param none.

  • FLASK_TESTER_USER: user login parameter for param authentication, defaults to USER.

  • FLASK_TESTER_PASS: user password parameter for param authentication, defaults to PASS.

  • FLASK_TESTER_LOGIN: user login parameter for fake authentication, defaults to LOGIN.

  • FLASK_TESTER_BEARER: bearer name for token authentication, defaults to Bearer.

  • FLASK_TESTER_HEADER: header name for token authentication, defaults to Auth.

  • FLASK_TESTER_COOKIE: cookie name for token authentication, defaults to auth.

  • FLASK_TESTER_TPARAM: parameter for token authentication, defaults to AUTH.

  • FLASK_TESTER_PTYPE: default parameter type, data or json, defaults to data.

  • FLASK_TESTER_AUTH: initial comma-separated list of login:password, defaults to not set.


Pytest Fixture: ft_client.

Mandatory target environment variable:

  • FLASK_TESTER_APP: find the Flask application, eg app:create_app for an internal test, or http://localhost:5000 for an external test.

Other environment variable:

  • FLASK_TESTER_DEFAULT: Default client login, default is None for no default.