CacheToolsUtils Reference
This module provide the following cache wrappers suitable to use with
Some classes provide actual storage or API to actual storage. For this purpose a cache is basically a key-value store, aka a dictionary, possibly with some constraints on keys (type, size) and values (size, serialization).
Other classes add features on top of these, such as using a prefix so that a storage can be shared without collisions or keeping usage and efficiency statistics.
Install with pip install CacheToolsUtils
or any other relevant mean.
A cache with a lock, that can be shared between threads.
Although there is lock
option in cachetools
decorator, it is at
the function level thus does not work properly of a cache is shared between
import threading
import cachetools
import CacheToolsUtils as ctu
lcache = ctu.LockedCache(cachetools.TTLCache(...), threading.Lock())
Add a key prefix to an underlying cache to avoid key collisions.
ct_base = cachetools.TTLCache(maxsize=1048576, ttl=600)
foo_cache = ctu.PrefixedCache(ct_base, "foo.")
bla_cache = ctu.PrefixedCache(ct_base, "bla.")
def foo(…):
return …
def bla(…):
return …
Keep stats, cache hit rate shown with hits()
scache = ctu.StatsCache(cache)
Two-level cache, for instance a local in-memory cachetools cache for the first
level, and a larger shared redis
or memcached
distributed cache for the
second level.
Whether such setting can bring performance benefits is an open question.
cache = ctu.TwoLevelCache(TTLCache(…), RedisCache(…))
There should be some consistency between the two level configurations so that it makes sense. For instance, having two TTL-ed stores would suggest that the secondary has a longer TTL than the primary.
There is an additional resilient
boolean option to the constructor to
ignore errors on the second level cache, switching reliance on the first
cache only if the second one fails. Note that this does not mean that
the system would recover if the second level is back online later, because
there is no provision to manage reconnections and the like at this level.
The second level may manage that on its own, though.
Basic wrapper, possibly with JSON key encoding thanks to the JsonSerde
Also add a hits()
method to compute the cache hit ratio with data taken from
the memcached server.
import pymemcache as pmc
mc_base = pmc.Client(server="localhost", serde=ctu.JsonSerde())
cache = ctu.MemCached(mc_base)
def poc(…):
Keep in mind MemCached limitations: key size is limited to 250 bytes strings where some characters cannot be used, eg spaces, which suggest some encoding such as base64, further reducing the actual key size; value size is 1 MiB by default.
Wrapper with a prefix. A specific class is needed because of necessary key encoding.
pcache = ctu.PrefixedMemCached(mc_base, prefix="pic.")
TTL’ed Redis wrapper, default ttl is 10 minutes.
Also adds a hits()
method to compute the cache hit ratio with data taken
from the Redis server.
import redis
rd_base = redis.Redis(host="localhost")
cache = ctu.RedisCache(rd_base, ttl=60)
Redis stores arbitrary bytes. Key and values can be up to 512 MiB. Keeping keys under 1 KiB seems reasonable.
Wrapper with a prefix and a ttl. A specific class is needed because of key encoding and value serialization and deserialization.
pcache = ctu.PrefixedRedisCache(rd_base, "pac.", ttl=3600)
Functions cacheMethods and cacheFunctions
This utility function create a prefixed cache around methods of an object or functions in the global scope. First parameter is the actual cache, second parameter is the object or scope, and finally a keyword mapping from function names to prefixes.
# add cache to obj.get_data and obj.get_some
ctu.cacheMethods(cache, obj, get_data="1.", get_some="2.")
# add cache to some_func
ctu.cacheFunctions(cache, globals(), some_func="f.")
Decorator cached
This is an extension of cachetools
decorator, with two additions:
tests whether these function parameters are in cachecache_del
removes the cache entry
import CacheToolsUtils as ctu
cache = ...
def acme(what: str, count: int) -> str:
return ...
print(acme("hello", 3))
assert acme.cache_in("hello", 3)
print(acme("hello", 3))
acme.cache_del("hello", 3)
assert not acme.cache_in("hello", 3)