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The ProxyPatternPool module was initially rhetorical: because of the GIL Python was very bad as a parallel language, so the point of creating threads which would mostly not really run in parallel was moot, thus the point of having a clever pool of stuff to be shared by these thread was even mooter! However, as the GIL is scheduled to go away in the coming years, starting from Python 3.13 (Fall 2024), it is starting to make sense to have such a thing!

In passing, it is interesting to note that the foremost driving motivation for getting read of the GIL is… data science. This tells something. In the past, people interested in parallelism, i.e. performance, say myself, would probably just turn away from this quite slow language. People from the networking www world would be satisfied with the adhoc asynchronous model, and/or just create many processes because in this context the need to communicate between active workers is limited. Now come the data scientist, who is not that interested in programming, is happy with Python and its ecosystem, in particular with the various ML libraries and the commodity of web-centric remote interfaces such as Jupyter. When confronted with a GIL-induced performance issue, they are more interested at fixing the problem than having to learn another language and port their stuff.

Shared object must be returned to the pool to avoid depleting resources. This may require some active cooperation from the infrastructure which may or may not be reliable. Consider monitoring your resources to detect unexpected status, eg database connections remaining idle in transaction and the like.

See Also:

  • Psycopg Pool for pooling Postgres database connexions.
  • Eventlet db_pool for pooling MySQL or Postgres database connexions.
  • Discussion about database pool sizing (spoiler: small is beautiful: you want threads waiting for expensive resources used at full capacity rather than many expensive resources under used).

Example of resources to put in a pool: connections to databases, authentication services (eg LDAP), search engine…

For a typical REST backend, most requests will require one DB connection, thus having an in-process pool with less connections is not very usefull, and more is useless as well, so we may only have #conns == #threads which make sense. The only point of having a pool is that the thread may be killed independently and avoiding recreating connections in such cases.